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Tuesday, December 11, 2012

New type of optical fiber could be used in photovoltaic fabrics

A cross-sectional image of the new silicon-based optical fiber with solar-cell capabilitie...

Imagine forgetting to plug in your smartphone, but then not worrying because your clothes could charge it for you. It sounds surreal, but it may one day be reality. An international team of scientists and engineers led by John Badding, a professor of chemistry at Penn State University, have developed a silicon-based optical fiber that acts like a solar cell and offers the promise of fabric that can generate electricity from light.

Astronomers find infant solar system in our stellar neighborhood

Artist's conception of a protostar pulling interstellar gas onto a rotating protoplanetary...

The Sun is a bit over 4.5 billion years old, leading many to think of all stars as billions of years in age. Astronomers have now demonstrated that isn't always the case. Using high-resolution millimeter and submillimeter imaging telescope arrays, John Tobin of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO) and his collaborators have now discovered an infant star whose age is measured in thousands, rather than billions, of years. While at present the protostar has only about a fifth of the Sun's mass, projections point to the eventual formation of a stellar system broadly similar to our Sun and its planets.

DoorBot lets you see who's at the door, wherever you are

DoorBot streams video and audio to your smartphone or tablet, wherever you are

Everyone wants to feel safe in their home, and it's easier to do so when you know who’s standing outside. DoorBot aims to help with exactly this, by functioning as a Wi-Fi-connected doorbell that streams live video and audio directly to your smartphone of choice whether you’re sitting on your couch or backpacking abroad.